Don’t throw away spare spoons, forks, and knives, you may make incredible art pieces with them like British artist Ann Carrington. Using old silverware, she creates absolutely gorgeous bouquets that never fade. We never knew that everyday eating tools could be transformed into such wondrous floral sculptures.
For her Bouquets and Butterflies collection, Carrington often gathers spoons, knives, and forks to make highly detailed bouquets. Furthermore, this talented artist very well knows how to bunch up the cutlery and recreate shapes of roses and tulips.
These cutlery sculptures look so realistic that one may think these are natural flowers coated with silver. Just look at the images (below) and see for yourself. The intricate detailing will surely leave you amazed.
The bouquet sculptures were the part of Carrington’s solo exhibition “Pop goes the Weasel!” at the Royal College of Art in London last summer. You may see more of Carrington’s work on her Facebook and Instagram. And, next time you find any spare spoon, fork or knife at your home, just keep collecting them and finally try making beautiful art pieces with all your silverware.
For now, enjoy looking at the creative cutlery bouquets in the images.
Via: Colossal