Those who have seen the movie Inception know the famous ‘dream world’ scene, where the surreal city landscape goes upside down. Even Turkish photographer Aydın Büyüktaş likes to capture such dreamlike sequences in his mind-bending photographs that defy the laws of physical existence.
In the latest photo series, he travelled across the U.S. and captured some of the most breathtaking pictures. These images are the result of meticulous planning and aerial drone photography that further create the stunning declining effect, making the real world landscapes seem to be folding up on itself.
The mind-warping pictures are the part of Büyüktaş’ Flatland II project, which has been derived from a book by English author Edwin Abbott. The book is about a two-dimensional world inhabited by geometric figures. Before this photo collection, he worked on Flatland I project that featured mind-bending landscapes of Istanbul.
Find out more about Büyüktaş’ photographic series on his Facebook or Instagram page. For now, check out the mind-boggling images from his latest photo series.
Via: BoredPanda