Music mashups have become a thing in the recent years. But now a Canadian artist has brought astounding mashup into musical instruments as well. Entitled as ‘Dali meets the Masters,’ the painted instruments series by Ilana Tavshunsky showcases renowned surrealist Salvador Dali travelling through history and collaborating with other great artists of those eras.
In her artworks, called “Taleraca Art,” the 22-year-old prolific artist has painted various musical instruments, blending the famous artworks of Dali and master painters. All these instruments are still playable – she has even used some of these in concert herself. But these beautifully painted instruments surely stand out from rest of the musical instruments available in the market.
It may also interest you that this emerging painter even holds a degree in neuroscience and geoscience. Besides that, she is a synesthete and can taste colour. Her creations shout out loud about her imaginative thinking. Her artistic vision is commendable and she indeed has a potential to create art pieces that are far beyond one’s thinking. Find out more about her work on Facebook.
Check out the video given below to watch one of her most notable creations, a mashup called Dali Meets Van Gogh, painted on a violin:
Dali meets Michaelangelo
Dali meets Van Gogh
Dali meets Van Gogh
Dali meets Klimt
Dali meets Rembrandt
Dali meets Hokusai
Dali meets Edvard Munch
Dali meets Turner
Dali meets the Masters – Full Collection
Via: BoredPanda