Do you know the art of paper cutting dates back to the second century AD? That time paper was invented in Eastern Han Dynasty in China and many artists started using it to make creative crafts. Aside from Chinese people, this form of art was popular in many civilizations such as Jewish, Japanese, Filipino, and more.
With the easy availability of paper, this craft became an important folk art in many countries. Originally, red paper was used for cutouts – as it was considered the colour of festivities in Chinese culture. Over the years, people started experimenting with more colours and styles of paper cutting.
However, for some time, this art faded away. But people’s interest in this art form redeveloped and even today various artists are seen making wondrous artworks through paper cutting. Nowadays, paper cutting is done with some modern techniques so that it fits well in the digital era.
All thanks to digital technology, this age-old art has come alive. One of the modern-day artists, who practice the art of digital paper cutting, is Robbin Gregorio from the Philippines. Lately, we came across his interesting series of Game of Thrones characters – all made out of paper and the details are something to watch out for.
You’d be surprised to see how such realistic looking characters can be made just with a few pieces of paper. Gregorio creates these characters using different layers of paper and intricate paint brush strokes add incredible detailing to the final result.
Following are some of the hand-cut Game of Thrones characters made by Gregorio. You can see more of his work on Instagram.