Every fairytale has a beautiful princess and a handsome prince. But Russian photographer Olga Barantseva has reimagined her own fairytale world, where a prince has been replaced with ‘real’ wild animals. With her surreal photographs, she has managed to capture the world that’s far away from the digital world or just beyond one’s imagination.
Evoking real-life interaction with humans and animals, the talented photographer has managed to capture breathtaking scenes featuring both human and animal models. Her furry companions include wolves and foxes, but the seven-feet tall brown bear named Stephan has stolen the show. The bear may appear to be ferocious, but he is a loving, gentle giant, according to Barantseva.
The adorable bear was rescued as a cub (when he was only three-months-old) by his owner, who is a circus trainer. Now the furry giant has grown up to be a model and actor. He has even appeared in many movies and photography series like this one.
In the photos series, the human and animal models are portrayed in different scenes – such as romantic scene, picnic scene, wedding scene, etc. Each photograph depicts a striking visual juxtaposition of a small human interacting with wild animals. These moments of ‘a story frozen in time’ show how two different species can coexist peacefully without harming one another. Moreover, this unique photo series shows Barantseva’s passion for creative photography, revolving around a beautiful concept – not Photoshop.
Have a look at the surreal photos by Barantseva. You can also follow her on Facebook to see more of her stunning work.
Via: MyModernMet