Italian artist Willy Verginer creates surreal wooden sculptures that highlight issues affecting the environment. Carving solid pieces of wood, this brilliant sculptor often paints the sculptures with acrylic or other materials, making each piece speak for itself.
From environmental concerns of crude oil to deforestation for industrialization, these wooden sculptures depict man’s greed that has led to such drastic environmental issues like global warming, pollution, etc.
Some of the figures are of animals and people standing atop barrels of crude oil or animals’ standing on tires. This shows how animals and trees are sacrificed for obtaining certain materials for industries. Trees are cut down for new buildings and making expensive furniture, and other purposes. Moreover, animals are slaughtered mercilessly for leather
There are few sculptures that stand on silver or gold platforms or surfaces. This signifies the value placed on the highly valued commodity, which has been obtained by humans sacrifice of both creature and environment to fulfill man’s greed.
Have a look at his incredible artworks that shows how mankind is harming the environment and other creatures on earth. You can also see Verginer’s more work on his official website or Facebook page.