

These 20 celebrities will surprise you with their secret talents Art / Artists / Painting / Sketching

Hollywood celebrities are often known for their glamorous lives. But do you know that some of your favourite Hollywood actors and musicians, as well as famous political leaders have secret talents that media never highlights? While media always keep focusing on scandalous parts of celeb lives, true fans never get to see the artistic sides of their role models.

Mamta Singh – Passionate Wall Artist Beautifies Dull Streets With Her Art Art / Artists / Painting / Your story

Now are not the days, when you have to battle between your education and passion. While education still remains important, youth today is willing to work hard to pursue their passion as a career. Why not? No one wants to spend the rest of their lives sitting in a 4 x 4 cubicle. Isn’t it? Today, we are going to share with you an interesting...

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Meet Lipstick Lex… She creates art by planting kisses on a canvas! Art / Artists / Painting

All artists create their artworks with a lot of love. But Alexis Fraser, a Toronto-based artist, has taken her love of art to another level. We were amazed to know that she makes beautiful Hollywood-inspired portraits using lipsticks and kisses. Yes, you read that right! She literally kisses her artwork hundreds or thousands of times and paints them with lipsticks for more details.

Former engineer and boxing champion creates intricate leaf art Art / Artists

Art is a way to look differently at the world. Probably that’s why creative souls see art everywhere from a small piece of paper to fallen tree leaves. Latter is a favourite art material of Omid Asadi, 38-year-old former engineer and boxing champion from Iran, who’s now a UK-based artist. He works across various media, however, his intricate leaf art got him the much-needed recognition.

Deathknell: Shimla-based band fighting hard to keep metal alive Artists / Featured / Interview / Music

When was the last time you saw MTV or VH1 playing heavy metal? Well, with the number of metal bands decreasing over the years, the world has slowly moved on to other genres. But all hope is not lost yet. There are a few metal bands, like Deathknell, that are stilling fighting to keep the spirit of metal alive. Probably, they’re truly following the words...

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