Watch animals weeping colour in Jonna Lamminaho’s thought-provoking wildlife paintings, which remind us of endangered nature. The 21-year-old artist from Finland creatively uses her artworks to portray agony of wild animals. In some paintings, you can even see animals weeping, but at the same time, the vibrant colours make each portrait striking enough to grab human attention so that we can relate to the plight of animals.
These paintings depict how humans hunt poor animals for amusement, as well as, how deforestation is harming their natural habitat. Even animals are living beings like us. Sadly, they can’t express their anger, fear or sadness through speech, but they do have powerful emotions and even grief the loss of their kin or their own kind.
For our selfish reasons, we often tend to forget about poor animals and plants. But our adverse impact on nature is the reason behind drastic climatic changes. We need to respect wildlife as we share the earth with them and they too have equal rights to live freely and happily like us.
Jonna’s each painting connects us with nature, while reminding us of our responsibilities towards natural environment and to preserve it for future generations. The young artist spends days to complete her paintings and has successfully managed to portray her thoughts to us through such wonderful artworks.
Check out more images below, you may need multiple viewing to appreciate her provocative paintings. You can also see her work on Facebook and Instagram, she goes by the name “scandy_girl” on both social platforms.
Via: BoredPanda